The easy answer to this issue is JobView. JobView provides “real-time” access to the information in your TCM Job Cost database. Different “views” allow you to customize the program to your preferences, and the program looks and acts just like Microsoft Excel. In fact, there is an Excel button at the top of the screen that allows you to “paste” your customized view directly into an Excel spreadsheet!
This type of functionality is not available in any other program, and can provide your Project Managers with an invaluable tool for monitoring their job cost.
Jobs can be filtered and analyzed by Project Manager, Category, Start/Finish Date, etc., and you can “drill down” all the way to the transaction level. By adding Document Manager you can even view the actual invoice on the screen! JobView only provides access to the Job Cost information, so your confidential Payroll and Accounting information can’t be viewed or changed.
If managing Job Cost and giving Project Managers the tools to better do their jobs are important to your business, you should definitely take a look at JobView
TCM JobView and TCM Document Manager latest release
Many of our clients have been delighted with the enhanced Cost Reporting capabilities available with this add-on module, developed specifically for TCM by
Project Managers especially have found that setting up their own Job Cost views/dashboards is fast and easy, and allows them to report and analyze up-to-the-minute critical cost information in whatever form they find most valuable. TCM JobView is also “Excel-friendly,” so there’s no need to waste time pasting or re-entering job cost information into spreadsheets. Adding the TCM Documents (see below) to JobView allows you to “drill down” to the actual image of the invoice, and can cut the amount of time to process invoices in half. If you’re not using tools like Job View and Document Manager to streamline your business, you’re missing out on valuable productivity tools.
With TCM Document Manager, all company documents, from invoices to service tickets to submittals, can be scanned and indexed according to the relevant fields (vendor, customer, account, job, etc.).
TCM Document Manager can streamline the entire Accounts Payable process. Invoices are scanned and recorded when they are received, so you have control over where the invoice is and who is responsible for it from the beginning. Invoices are electronically routed to a Project Manager or other personnel for approval, and notes/comments can be added. Document Manager compares the amount of the invoice to the amount budgeted and spent for the job, and alerts the Project Manager to any discrepancies. Once the invoices are approved, they can be pasted into a TCM Batch simply by clicking the “Send to TCM button.” Inside TCM, accounting personnel can “drill down” to the Invoice image in General Ledger and Accounts Payable, and Project Managers can see the Invoice image inside JobView.
If you’ve been looking for a way to cut administrative time, improve cost control, and leverage the power of the information in your TCM database, TCM Documents can provide you with that competitive edge.
Here are some of the comments from TCM users:
“TCM Document Manager is a very streamlined way of handling invoices – we eliminate a lot of paper by scanning the invoices, and it makes routing & processing invoices much simpler. Accountability increases as the system tracks each person who reviews and approves invoices and invoice notes.”
“Batching is so much easier with Document Manager – I have had to back out an invoice thousands of times in TCM due to putting it into the wrong batch. I like being able to order my invoices by date in Document Manager and select only the ones I want to send to TCM – I can attach a batch to it and I don’t have to worry about having the wrong invoice dates in the wrong batches. This is a HUGE improvement to me.”
“We love being able to SEE the invoice without having to dig through file cabinets and / or job files. This is especially nice for the construction industry when it comes to colors/styles/ etc. that are on specific invoices. Now we can see the invoices in Document Manager and Job View.”